Tuesday, September 7, 2021

ሎሚ ዕለተ ልደትይ`ዩ

ቅድሚ ሒደት ዓመታት ኣብ ዲያሪ ንነብሰይ ስሕት ኢለ ደብዳቤታት ክሰደላ ጀሚረ። ሎሚ ሓንቲ ከም ኣብነት ናባኹም የውርዳ ኣለኹ። መን ይፈልጥ ንነብስኹም ኣብ ሞንጎ ጽሑፈይ ትረኽብዋ ትኾኑ።
ዶን`፣ ሂወት ኩሉ ግዜ ሓርጎጽጎጽን ገልታዕታዕን ዘለዋ፣ ዘየቋርጽ ማዕበል ፈተናታት ዝረኣዩላ እያ። ተስፋ ከይቆረጽካ ንኹሉ ስለ ዝሓለፍካዮ፣ ናይ ሎሚ ምዕራፍ ብሉጽ ይገብሮ። ስለዚ ዓወትካ ኣዕሙቊካ ኣስተማቕሮ።
Photos taken at Font Romeu 

ነዛ ጽሕፍቲ እንዳጸሓፍኩ ፍሽኽ ይብል ኣለኹ፣ ምኽንያቱ ዝኾነ ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝፈልጠኒ ሰብ ቀዳመይቲ ዝብላ ቃል `በጥራም` እያ። እንተኾነ ሓደ ሓፋር ኣብ ፊልሚን መጽሓፍን ጂምናዝዩምን ግዜኡ ሕንኩኽ ዘብሎ ወዲ`የ ነይረ። ቀጻሊ እንዳ-መሓመድ ሓጎስ ፊልም ዝርእይ ከምኡ ውን ኣብ ጁንየር ክለብ ላይብረሪ ብምኻድ ልቢወለድ ምንባብ ዝፈቱ ዝነበረ ንእሽቶ ቆልዓ፣ ናብ ሓደ ርእሰ ተኣማንነት ዘለዎ ጻዕራም መንእሰይ ክዓቢ ኪኢለ። ዝኾነ ይኩን ግን ነቶም ከርተት ኢሎም ዘዕበዩኒ ስድራይ ከኹርዖም ወትሩ ምስ ፈተንኩ`የ። ኣዝየ
ብዙሕ ጠለባት ዝነበረኒ ግናይ ቆልዓ`ያ ነይረ! ተስፋ ይገብር ስድራይ ብኣይ ኩሩዓት ክኾኑ።
ኣብዛ ትቕጽል ዓመት፣ ንኹሉ ሸነኻ ሂወት ብጥብቂ ተኸታቲለ ቅኑዕ ውሳነ ክወስድ። ኣብ ዝቕጽል ድማ ዘሎኒ ሓይለይ ኣኻኺበ ብፍቕሪን እምነትን ብዘይ ፍርሒ ክስጉም ክፍትን`የ።
ንዕድመን ጥዕናን ዝሃበኒ ፈጣሪ ልዑል ምስጋና ይኩኖ!!
ርሑስ ዕለተ-ትውልዲ ይግበረልይ፣
ንዓኻትኩም ኣዕሩኽተይ ከኣ ርሑስ በዓል ሃንሰ-መስቀለ።
ዲናር ሕሩይ

Today is my birthday!!
A few years ago, I had the idea of sending letters to my future self for my birthday. A letter I can refer to every now and again when things get tough as they usually do because well, life! That way I could reflect on the changes I would experience over the years. The only reason I am posting this letter is that I believe maybe you find yourself somewhere between the lines.

Dear Don, Life is not a straight line,; there are ups and downs. A series of twists and turns, ebbs, and flows. Thank you for not giving up. For continuously betting on yourself through each difficulty, life has brought you. This is the best chapter of your life, savoring each moment.

As I am writing this article, I am smiling because I am aware that I’ve come very far from the strange
Photos were taken at Font Romeu

kid people used to call ‘Betram’. However, deep down I was shy and decent. The kid sat alone with his head buried in books, series movies, and the gym. However, no matter what I do, I have always made my parents proud. Because I knew that raising me was not easy, I was too demanding. Now I hope they would say it was worth it, see what I have become.

As I step into the next year of my life, I pray and hope to continue practicing discernment in all aspects of my life. I also want to take with me this next year, strength to continue to live life as passionately as I could with faith and fearlessness.

Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life.

Happy Birthday to me and happy holidays.
Dinar Hurui

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ኣብ ናይ ሞት ዓራት

ሓደ ብዕድመ ዝደፍአ ሰብኣይ፡ ብዛዕባ እቲ ዝቐረበ ሞቱ ርግጸኛ ነበረ፡ ምስ ሓኪሙ ኣብ ህይወት ዘለዎ ርድኢት ከካፍል ወሰነ። " ዶክተር ኣይትሻቐል። ክመውት ምዃነይ እፈልጥ’የ። ናብዚ ክመጽእ ኣይደለኹን ግን ናብዚ...